Feb 24, 2010

C-Note Art Show

Some good news. My photograph from Hill of Crosses collection will be displayed at the C-Note Art Show in Grandview, Columbus, OH. The show will take place at Junctionview Studio in Grandview from April 2 through 4th. In the meantime, if you like my photography, please vote for me on http://cnoteartshow.com/spring2010/f2009artists

Feb 3, 2010

Business stationary

In one of my graphic design classes an assignment was to come up with a name and then design a logo and business stationary for a made up company specializing in secure file transmitting.

First, I sketched 8 different logos. Instructor then narrowed down to top 3 and I made the final selection (thumbnail #9):

The logo was then designed in Adobe Illustrator. 

Next, I designed a business card (front and back)...

... business envelope...

... and business letterhead.

And finally, a quarter page black and white add to run in a local newspaper.