Apr 30, 2011

Apr 23, 2011

what is a firefighter?

He's the guy next door....
He's a guy like you and me with wants and worries and unfulfilled dreams.
Yet he stands taller than most of us.
He's a fireman....
A fireman is at once the most fortunate and the least fortunate of men.
He's a man who saves lives because he has seen too much death.
He's a gentle man because he has seen the awesome power of violence out of control.
He's responsive to a child's laughter because his arms have held too many small bodies that will never laugh again....
He doesn't preach the brotherhood of man.
He lives it.

~Author Unknown

Apr 21, 2011

Apr 12, 2011

L&L submission- April

The 4 images I am submitting to Lens & Leaves Camera Club digital competition this month. I think they surely express how I feel today- spring is finally here!

Apr 3, 2011


i love this one.

elephant ball.

so tranquil. so peaceful. so serene.

wish i were a blue elephant... just for a moment.

Apr 2, 2011

columbus at night

After long hours in the office I finally got a chance to take my camera out. Here are a few photos of Columbus at night.